Thursday, May 13, 2010

An introduction

Hi everybody,

I obviously haven't posted any of my reviews yet, but I thought perhaps an introductory post would be a good placeholder.

I've been teaching writing since 2006 at lots of different types of colleges and universities (I even tutored online for a while). This is my first class toward my PhD (I'm also taking the WPA class later this summer). I was originally admitted for fall, and I will be full-time. Instead of teaching for my assistantship, I will be the Assistant Director of Writing Programs alongside Matt Oliver, so I'm sure I will be working closely with any of you who are teaching here in the fall.

I've lived here in Norfolk for about a year now with my husband Wayne and our two boys, Josh (almost 8) and Ben (3 and a half). Wayne is a "cyber" officer in the Air Force (which I think makes him sound a little like Robocop), and we have moved about every three years since we got married eleven years ago. We are moving over to a house on Brunswick Avenue as we speak, which is literally around the corner from the ODU campus.

I'm already really enjoying being back in class as a student, and I hope I will be able to get to know many of you as the class progresses. I've posted some of my favorite related links here on my blog too just to share, and I hope that they will be of some use. I'm looking forward to working with all of you.


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